Our Reunion Theme...                         what's it all about?

It's About the Journey "Home"

"Home"  has different meanings for people.  It can be where you live now, where you feel emotionally or physically most comfortable, it can mean your birthplace.  For a high school reunion, it means where you were rooted for that time in your life.  

Returning to our high school years brings with it mixed emotions - anticipation and excitement over the opportunity to spend time with classmates we haven't seen in years, sometimes since graduation day in 1974.   The smell of the high school gym and hallways instantly brings many of us back.  Looking at old yearbook pictures stirs memories that are long forgotten until we see everyone standing in the same room.  These days, Facebook and other ways we connect help to bring classmates together to catch up.  

For some of us, the roots to Burnt Hills and Ballston Lake have grown deeper because generations have remained in this place called "Home".  Others have moved away for a time, and then wanted to return to the area to what is familiar, to feel grounded.  Some moved on after high school graduation to places they've always dreamed of living, and think fondly of where they came from.  Sadly, some of us return to bury our parents.  Reunions bring everyone back together for a common purpose.

The 50th Reunion, our collective golden year, is a special one.  It is that one milestone that gets everyone's attention.  So, we are working to give our classmates a reason to come "Home", by creating a Can't Miss Weekend to add to your BH-BL memories.  We look forward to seeing everyone in September of 2024 and really enjoying ourselves!  Friends in other BH-BL classes, and even friends who didn't go to BH-BL have been saying that their class never had a 50th reunion, or any reunion!  We're fortunate that we've celebrated those milestone years together.